Here at Meandr, we make it our priority to really understand your business and its processes.

We work with Salesforce because we love it, but our focus is always on you and your business: we’re here to enhance your systems for growth and sustainability.

For us, that doesn’t just mean replicating what you’re already doing in a shiny new platform. We make it a priority to really understand your processes so that we can streamline and simplify wherever possible – we actually enjoy solving business problems and sorting out even the stickiest issues. Then we automate, automate, and automate some more (we really like that part too).

Experience tells us that even the most rewarding changes can be hard. That’s why we’re passionate about working alongside you, making sure that everyone in your team is engaged in the journey and prepared for the results. And if you’re worried about confusing technical documentation or (worse!) no documentation at all, don’t be. In case you can’t tell, we’re passionate about making your work-life easier, so we’ll make sure that we give you what you need in the format that you need it in. We believe that if we can’t keep things simple and clear, then we’re not doing our job well enough. After all, Salesforce is supposed to be simple – so if it’s not, let’s get that sorted.

> Sound great? Get in touch here.

Helping businesses thrive.

Meet Jessica, chief Meandr’er. She brings her years of experience as a Salesforce Business Analyst and Functional Consultant to businesses around Australia to improve their systems and processes, setting them up to grow and flourish.

Want to know more?

Get in touch for an obligation-free chat about how we can optimise your business.